Pearl of Great Price

The angels rejoiced that warm spring day as a penniless child opened her heart to Jesus.  But the child was ignored by the house of worship, for an impoverished child has no place in the modern church of human worship.  Those who are hungry and naked are not welcome in the hearts of those who worship in those hallowed halls. . .

Murder Close To Home

As a boy we had land that was backed up against state land. In my mind, that always made the property feel almost endless. It was not uncommon for me to meet friends back in the woods. In those days we would hunt turtles and frogs, or even go skinny-dipping. Hey, we were kids!

One afternoon, in early May of 1975 my friend Mark Mellendorf and I had made plans to meet back in the woods after school and camp out…

Memories Made

Occasionally in life we cross a line into something more memorable. A moment, or a day, that for whatever reason, will stick to our minds forever. Some days come and go without much notice or specific memory. But once in awhile, there is a day that has the ability to mold our outlook, to adjust our thinking, and even highlight our dreams.
This week has been one of those weeks that will be forever remembered as a marker in history. We will forever look back and say “remember that week”?

When "Thank You" Isn't Enough

The Bible teaches us to live generously. Those lessons come easily and naturally for some, and a bit harder for others. The world is full of givers and takers. A wise man once told me, “givers need to set boundaries, because takers never will”.

We have learned from the path that we’ve walked that giving comes in many forms.

Snake in the Garden

The sun was shining and spring was in the air. We’re staying with friends in northern Georgia with our bus and while we’re here the friends took a little get-away to Florida for a few days and left us to attend to their two dogs and keep an eye on the house. The routine has been to go out early and let the dogs out into the pen. Then, after they get some running out of their system to let them in for their doggy breakfast. 

This particular morning. . .

Good Bye My Friend

Brian Crawford
We suddenly lost a good friend this week. He was a man of integrity, a man who loved God, loved his family, and loved his work. He was one of the most creative and intelligent engineers I’ve ever met. We were business competitors once, yet I shared my time with him, my venders, my business secrets, and even my customers, because he could be trusted, because he was my friend. I admired his attention to details, his tenacity, his compassion…