We murder nearly a million innocent babies per year in the United States and we ask God to bless America.
We legalize and march in the streets for the rights to a homosexual life and we ask God to bless America.
We honor celebrities that are an abomination to God and we ask God to bless America.
We treat our police officers as criminals and we make criminals our heroes and we ask God to bless America.
We play music that celebrates rape and murder and we ask God to bless America.
We appoint judges who seek to destroy our constitution and we ask God to bless America.
We open our borders to pagans who hate our God and we ask God to bless America.
We demonize the true church of God, and we advance the agenda of the unrighteous, and we ask God to bless America.
We elect corrupt self-seeking politicians and we ask God to bless America.
Maybe if we obeyed God and made disciples of all nations and not assimilate the ways of the nations then God would bless America.
Maybe if we obeyed God and returned to His laws then God would bless America.
Maybe if school opened with prayer it wouldn’t end with death and God would bless America.
Maybe if Bible was taught we wouldn’t kill one another and God would bless America.
Maybe if Godly men taught the scriptures in our homes we would raise children who feared Him and God would bless America.
Maybe if men would be Godly fathers and love their wives and discipline their children then God would bless America.
It’s no longer time to ask God to bless America. It’s time for God’s people to pray for God to Judge America.
We cannot hold the hand of Satan and follow God. We cannot serve two masters.
Maybe it’s time that we repent as a nation and begin to bless God. Only then will God bless America.